Translating Without Source Text
Webinar: June 30, 2020. Register today!
When great user experience is a goal, standard translation may fall short. Please join us for a conversation with Giulia Tarditi of Monese, Jerome Selinger, and Malgorzata Gembala of Precisely in conversation with Dominika D’Agostino of Vistatec.
Join the webinar on Translating Without Source Text.
The webinar will cover the following topics:
· Reimagining the localization process by removing the concept of source text has been a game-changer for a London-based startup, with great results for users' engagement.
· Why and how this approach can increase conversion in local markets.
· What happens when a software big data company puts the concept into practice?
· A popular UI component localization as a case study for the innovative method of translation.
11:00 AM — 12:00 PM EDT
4:00 PM — 5:00 PM BST
A self-defined language geek, Giulia Tarditi is a visionary on a mission to change the way companies conceive of and execute localization. Currently head of localization for mobile banking app Monese, she has spent the past 11 years advising venture-backed start-ups on how to unlock the full growth-driving potential of global content. Giulia’s interest in the relationship between language and the brain has allowed her to develop a forward-thinking approach that saw her winning the Process Innovation Challenge at LocWorld Portugal 2019. Having worked on everything from starting off multiple language sites and apps as a startup to scaling to hundreds of millions of users, she is one of a handful of people who have had the chance to do localization on this scale.
Małgorzata Gembala has more than 10 years of experience in the GIS industry, with a focus on analyzing geodata and coordinating quality control in a variety of international projects. With a great fascination for foreign languages and a desire to “go global” in her professional life, she decided to switch her career path and in June 2019 started working as a Globalization Program Manager. She is a member of the Globalization Team at Precisely and manages the EngageOne portfolio, supporting business communication from small businesses to enterprises. She enjoys photography, cycling, and discovering the power of globalization.
Jerome mastered in Linguistics and computing in Paris, France, and has been in the Localization for 23 years as a translator, reviewer Localization engineer, and project manager both on the vendor and client-side. He recently took over the role of Globalization Manager, leading a team of six Program Managers at Precisely.
Dominika is a Strategic Accounts Director at Vistatec with 12+ years of experience in various roles in the localization industry. She loves helping companies bring their unique stories to global markets and grow their business. She is also leading the expansion of Think Global Forum (TGF) in North America, gathering industry leaders and keynote speakers, hosting thought leadership events, and setting the agenda and chairing boardroom sessions. Currently based in Detroit, she is a language nerd and an insatiable traveler passionate about all things global.